Elizabeth DeLosa, J.D.

Managing Attorney, Pa. Innocence Project
Eizabeth (Liz) DeLosa obtained her B.A. from the University of Pittsburgh in 2004, then worked for a non-profit organization serving at-risk children and families. As director of placement services, she managed 10 direct-care caseworkers and 36 foster families. DeLosa then attended Duquesne University School of Law in the evenings, while working full-time, and received her J.D. in 2010.
After law school, DeLosa was recruited by the Allegheny County Office of Conflict Counsel to develop two new programs to ensure quality legal representation for court-involved youth. The juvenile delinquency and juvenile dependency divisions of the Office of Conflict Counsel were launched in the spring of 2011. Both programs have been widely praised and have continued to grow and expand over the last several years.
After passing the Pennsylvania bar exam, she joined the Office of Conflict Counsel's adult trial unit where she represented adult criminal clients in cases ranging in severity from summary disorderly conduct to first degree homicide. In 2014, she and her husband moved to the U.S. Virgin Islands where she gained invaluable federal criminal trial experience through her work as a research and writing attorney and assistant federal defender for the Federal Defender's Office in the District of the U.S. Virgin Islands.
DeLosa currently serves as the managing attorney for the Pennsylvania Innocence Project's Pittsburgh Office, which is located in Duquesne University School of Law's Tribone Center for Clinical Legal Education.
Katherine Norton, J.D.
Assistant Professor of Clinical Legal Skills and Externship Coordinator
Katherine L.W. Norton is the Assistant Professor of Clinical Legal Skills and the Externship Coordinator. She teaches Family Law and coordinates the externship programs. She focuses her scholarship on legal and mental health in custody cases, trials of complex family law cases, and the application of effective advocacy and attorney obligations in clinical legal education.
Norton consults for the firm of Voelker & Colton, P.C. She previously served in private practice with the law firms of Elliott & Davis, P.C. and Pollock, Begg, Komar, Glasser & Vertz, P.C. practicing in all areas of family law at both the Court of Common Pleas and Appellate levels.
Super Lawyers magazine named her a "Rising Star" in the area of Family Law for the years 2010 through 2017. Duquesne University School of Law, Student Bar Association, presented her with the Excellence in Teaching Award in 2017. Norton will also be receiving the Lorraine Bittner Award in Fall 2017 from the Allegheny County Bar Association for her work with the Family Law Clinic and students.
The US-american Law Institute of the University of Cologne had the pleasure to welcome Professor Norton in the summer semester 2018 to the CUSL program for a seminar on "Family Law in the United States".

Prof. Dr. Shamita Kumar
Principal, BVIEER (Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Environment Education and Research)
Prof. Dr. Shamita Kumar is Principal of the Bharati Vidyapeeth Institue of Environment Education and Research at the Bharati Vidyapeeth University in Pune, India. She lectured on "Comparative Environmental Law" with Prof. Junker as a visiting professor at the University of Cologne as part of the "A New Passage to India" program (German Academic Exchange Service) in 2013.
Damon Jones, LL.M.

Head of Climate Diplomacy at Climate Analytics
Damon Jones unterrichtet Völkerrecht und Umweltrecht im Schwerpunkt Klimawandel.
Damon is a highly experienced climate lawyer with a diverse background working in international, government and private sector organisations over the past 20 years. He was at the heart of the Paris climate negotiations in 2015, including as an advisor to Minister Fletcher of Saint Lucia in his role as co-facilitator on the ambition elements of the Paris Agreement.
Edward C. Moretti
BSChE, Master of Public Management
Edward C. Moretti lectures on Environmental Science and Management at the Bayer School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, which is part of the Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pensylvania.
He held lectures for students participating in the IMES program at the University of Cologne in 2010, 2011 and 2012.
Ed C. Moretti is the owner of Moretti Consulting Group, LLC, an environmental and public policy consulting firm. He specializes in corporate environmental, health, and safety (EHS) training; environmental management systems (EMS) auditing, and Clean Air Act compliance. He has written several books and encyclopedia and journal articles on air pollution control.
Prof. Dr. Richard A. Byron-Cox
Action Programme Aignment and Capacity-Building Officer, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification Secretariat, Bonn
Dr. Byron-Cox is a lawyer specialized in international law, diplomat and writer who has been working directly on the issue of sustainable land management and the environment over the last two decades. He played a key role in designing and coordinating the implementation of the first project aimed at putting the LDN concept into practice. This project ran under the auspices of the UNCCD Secretariat, involved some 14 countries from around the world and was a tremendous success. Dr. Byron-Cox is also an experiened lecturer having been a special guest and/or distinguished lecturer at universities around the world: from Oxford and Yonsei Universities to the Universities of Cologne and Trinidad and Tobago. He has masterminded the UNCCD Capacity Building Marketplace (www.unccd.int/marketplace) and writes on subjects ranging from international law to global environmental governance.