50 Thousand Trees - Germany
Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Environment Education and Research - India
The BVIEER is the Institute of Environment Education and Research of the University of Pune in India. Only due to a great cooperation with the BIVEER our annual field trip to India is made possible.
Unser Campus Grün e. V. - Germany
This not for profit organization furthers education by raising awareness for the importance of a green environment for relaxation, stress reduction and quality of life. The club therefore works to convert the grounds of the Faculty of the Humanities of the University of Cologne into a green learning ground and to introduce children to the handling of plants through the teaching garden "Unser KinderGrün"
Ost-westlicher Diwan e.V - Germany
Summer Academy 'Water and Sustainability' - Germany
German American Lawyers' Association
The German American Lawyers' Association serves as a platform for discussion, networking and information for legal specialists and interested parties on both sides of the Atlantic. With approx. 3000 American and German members, it offers a unique opportunity to contact a diverse community of lawyers and academics from both Germany and the United States.
Amerika Haus NRW - Germany
To Amerika Haus NRW it is from importance to "give life to the cross-cultural and economic ties between the USA and North Rhine Westphalia and to expose particularly young people to the similarities between our cultures." - Dr. Rainer Minz, Chairman of the Board
Kölner Schrift zum Wirtschaftsrecht (KSzW) - Germany
With its vision, the KSzW was created by students and academic staff members as the first law journal at the University of Cologne. The University´s strong economic law profile, the support of the professors and faculty as well as the close contact with numerous renowned law firms and companies in this region makes us believe that such a concept already existing at big Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-American universities for decades can also be successfully established - and continued and developed by future generations of students - in Germany.
Environmental Governance Institute - Cameroon
"The Environmental Governance Institute (EGI) is legally registered as a not-for-profit organization in Buea-Cameroon. [It is] committed to reforming environmental governance and fostering access to resources in Central and West Africa." - Website EGI