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Discussing American Legal Issues

Discussing American Legal Issues will provide the participants the opportunity to explore more deeply some of the more central, and often controversial, elements of modern American jurisprudence.  Through articles and cases, group presentations, and class discussions taking various formats, the participants will be offered the opportunity to discuss in-depth issues currently being debated in the realm of American jurisprudence.  These topics include, but are not limited to, the legality of the war on terror, the jury system, democracy vs. judicial review, the death penalty, crime and punishment in the USA, etc..

Highly motivated students who plan on regular attendance and participation are very much desired.

The course is an elective for the CUSL program, and students who successfully pass the final exam will receive credit for the „Fremdsprachenkompetenznachweis nach § 3 Abs. 4 StudPrO“ requirement.
